The first Pegsville Post was sent via the U.S. Mail to 31 subscribers last week! Whoohoo!
It was thrilling to fold each six-page newsletter into thirds, slip it into an envelope, stick on the stamp and address, and then mail it off. As I suspected, going analog with my newsletter made me feel so good. Though I always enjoy communicating with my peeps, sending newsletters out over email felt like more of a chore, while handwriting and drawing a newsletter on paper was tangible, tactile, and joyful.
This newsletter covered my special word and song for 2020, the radical moves I’m making this year to be more analog in my life and business, what I’m currently writing, and the workshops I’m offering this spring (three so far!). You can read the whole newsletter here: Pegsville Post 1.2020.
I’m planning on mailing out the Pegsville Post four times a year. To get on the mailing list, go here and fill out my contact form.
If you’d rather not receive mail, you can read it here on my blog about a week after it’s mailed out. To find out when it’s posted, fill out the box below to subscribe to my blog.
Hope you enjoy this issue of the Pegsville Post. Thanks, as always, for reading!
Peg Cheng is the author of The Contenders, a novel that asks, can enemies become friends? She is currently writing a book about how to retire as a millionaire even if you make a modest income. Peg is also the creator of Fear & Writing, a workshop for procrastinating writers from all walks of life.
Edgy says
Hey Cubby,
I love your move to analog, to sense and texture. At one point in history we traded cool looking stones and shells, which somehow migrated to coins, stamps, currency, checks, credit cards, bitcoins…now we barter at lightspeed. Is there an inverse relationship between meaning and speed? Is a letter by sailing ship inherently more special than an email, no matter how richly emoticon’ed?
It seems like savvy marketing, too–I certainly hope it works out that way. Maybe you’ve hit on the Paleo diet of promotion, in which the very old is new again. At any rate, I can’t wait to get your newsletter in my box!
Peg Cheng says
Thanks, Edgy, for your support and thoughts. I don’t know if there’s an inverse relationship between meaning and speed. It’s a good question and one I’ll have to ponder for a while. I’ll add you to the newsletter list for the next issue scheduled to be out in March. Let me know what you think of it!