I’m hosting my very first Writers Wellness Retreat on Sunday, March 12, 2017! I’m excited about this retreat because it’s exactly the kind of event that I would have loved to go to when I was writing full time last year and feeling isolated and depressed.
Writing can be such a lonely and scary pursuit.
For a while, I thought I was the only one that felt this way.
Then, I started reading books on the craft of writing and creating art, and I discovered that almost every writer and artist feels lonely, scared, depressed, doubtful and/or anxious at one time or another, and some even feel this way every day. Knowing this, I wanted to create a retreat that would bring together writers who want to practice self-care in order to gain greater creativity and productivity.
I call the retreat a day of mindfulness, movement & expression because it combines three key things that help me with my own writing: meditation, qigong, and freewriting.
I’m leading the sections on meditation and guided freewriting, and my qigong and tai chi teacher, the amazing Kim Ivy, founder of Embrace the Moon, is teaching the section on qigong.
It’s going to be a fun day filled with stories, compassion, and camaraderie. I hope you’ll join us!
Also, if you do attend, as a bonus gift to you, I will personally check in with you a week after the retreat to see how you’re doing with your writing and self-care practice, and whether you need any other resources or support.
Don’t wait. I’m capping the retreat at 10 participants. So, REGISTER TODAY and invite all your writing friends to join you!
Sunday, March 12, 2017
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Embrace the Moon, 1716 NW Market Street, Seattle, WA 98107
Registration is now CLOSED.
Peg Cheng is the author of The Contenders, a middle-grade novel centered on the question, can enemies become friends? She is currently writing another novel that is a re-imagining of the Snow White fairy tale set in 1980s Seattle. Peg is also a writing coach giving help, encouragement, and feedback to writers from all walks of life.